Sunday, July 8, 2007

Wedding Blues

Come on now, don't get so carried away already! I never said these wedding blues had anything to do with my upcoming wedding. Get your facts straight before you jump to conclusions like that!

Anywho, Ms. Fiance was in a wedding this weekend, the much-hyped 7-7-7 thing. As wonderful fiance, I attended the rehearsal dinner and wedding reception. I did not go to the wedding itself, since I did not know the bride or the groom at all (hadn't even seen a picture), and since Ms. Fiance was in the wedding, I would have been sitting by myself, not knowing anyone (except a couple of people I met at the rehearsal dinner), in a Catholic wedding. I get a little nervous in Catholic churches, always a bit afraid I'm going to be standing or sitting at the wrong time, or doing something that only Catholics are supposed to do or something. I think I need a Catholicism For Dummies book or something to help me out.

The rehearsal dinner itself was fine, although as previously mentioned, I went into it knowing nobody besides Ms. Fiance. I did get to chat with a couple guys who were going to be sitting near me at the reception the next day. Yep, because Ms. Fiance was a bridesmaid, I got to sit at a reserved table, having my own name card and everything. 

And where, pray tell, did Mac Man get to sit?

Wait for it...

Wait for it...

Oh, none other than the front-most, center-most table other than the head table. In other words, here were the guests at my table:

1. Bride's mother
2. Groom's mother
3. Groom's father
4. Groom's grandmother #1
5. Groom's grandmother #2
6. Priest
7. Scripture reader and husband of one of the bridesmaids (no, not Ms. Fiance)
8. Me

Oh, and my chair was the absolute closest to the bride and groom of anyone in the entire room, other than the wedding party. Even the parents were farther away than me.

Don't get me wrong, it was a nice reception, pretty good food, and Ms. Fiance and I enjoyed a little swing dancing, a little polka, a little YMCA, a little Chicken Dancing, and a little slow-dancing. But man, was the whole ordeal uncomfortable at times. 

Random happy thought from the wedding reception: I saw two iPhones in use. A husband and his wife each had one, and the husband, who was also the Best Man, also made reference to Steve Jobs in his toast. Nifty!

DotD: 320 GB hard drive - $59.99 - A great price for this size hard drive. You can either install it inside your computer, or buy an external case for it (like this one, free after rebate) and be able to move it from computer to computer.


A. Bauer said...

I was hoping DotD would be Catholicism for Dummies....

Janet said...

Haha! I'm with Aaron.

Mac Man said...

I thought about it, I really did. But who can pass up a 320 GB hard drive for $60? Oh, I guess you guys could... Never mind...

Joel said...

I wish I didn't have to pass it up. :)

Mac Man said...

You don't have to! Hello! Theft!

Joel said...

I'll keep that in mind the next time I'm at your house. :)

Mac Man said...
