Thursday, July 26, 2007

One of those days

Today was one of those days. You know, the kind you wished would just end already, so you can climb back into bed and try again the next day. Well, it's finally almost time to try just that.

The day started off on a low note. I was running late to work. I walked into the garage to leave, and I smelled a strange, sweet scent. I also saw dark stains on the cement floor, orange puddles in the cracks, and my garage door dripped when I opened it. No, it did not rain Hi-C Orange in my garage last night. A quick check under the hood of my car, and sure enough, all of my engine coolant was gone. Problem. Well, so much for driving to work, I think the car is staying right where it is.

In my extreme lack of car knowledge, I did check to see if a hose was leaking somewhere. No such luck. The leak was coming from the bottom corner of the radiator. Bummer.

Later on, in our softball game, my little sis tried to catch a pop fly at shortstop and ended up catching her other hand a bit funny. From the outfield, I couldn't quite tell what was going on, until she and a couple other people left the field heading for their cards. I ended up waiting in the urgent care room with her after the game (which we were leading in until the last inning, when they scored 10 runs and then won), since I had to get a ride to the clinic (see above paragraphs). She hyper-extended two fingers and her wrist, and had some nasty gashes on her fingers. Nothing was broken, but she needed four stitches, a lot of cleaning, and a splint for her wrist and hand.

We finally got home and Ms. Fiance and I managed to get my car over to a repair shop so they can look at it in the morning. I filled the coolant reservoir before leaving, but had to stop once to refill it about half way to the shop. The coolant would just come streaming out whenever the engine was running, and for the first time ever, I was driving my car with the temp gauge not just in the red, but at the farthest end of the red mark. The repair shop was only a couple of miles away, and there my car now sits.

Thinking nothing else could happen today, I then remembered that I still had to sign checks at church. It was already late, but I headed over there in my sister's vehicle after stopping by CVS with little sis to get some prescription pain killers for her. There was a little bit of extra work to do at church besides signing checks, but not bad. I then checked my box in the office, and found a copy of a letter written to one of the church staff from a church member. It was given to each member of the leadership team. It was so full of venom, anger, and hate that it really turned my stomach. How can people be so mean to others, especially in a church? I could not believe what I was reading. Pure venom is the best way to describe it. Unbelievable.

So, it's finally time to go to bed and put this day behind me. Here's to tomorrow!

DotD: Prescription painkillers for softball injuries - $10 copay - What's the cost without insurance, little sis wanted to know? $10.99. Whew, good thing we didn't have to go that route! ;-)

1 comment:

Joel said...

Wow, what a fun day. :)

Yeah, our defense fell apart in that last inning (or their offense came together, or a little of both). Ah well, it was still a good game.

Glad that none of our shortstop's bones were broken. :)

My dad has had to deal with plenty of church venom over the years. Church people can be some of the more cruel people in the world. I must have missed the Bible verse that says we're supposed to do that. Must be a different translation. :)