Friday, August 1, 2008

Crazy Games

I seem to have a penchant for going to crazy Twins games at the Metrodome. I don't go to very many games, maybe a couple each year, but I was at the infamous Chuck Knoblauch game with the Yankees a few years ago when the fans in left field kept throwing things (lots of hotdogs and bottles and a few balls) onto the field at Knoblauch until Joe Torre pulled his team off of the field in the middle of the inning for their safety. Tom Kelly eventually walked all the way out to left field to get people to stop so the Twins wouldn't have to forfeit. If you go to the Chuck Knoblauch wiki page, you'll even see a short reference to this game.

I was also at the Twins game where Santana struck out 17 batters. That broke a club record, and Joe Nathan added two more strikeouts in the 9th inning. That game was a lot of fun.

Last night's game, however, was much more like the Knoblauch game than the Santana game. It started when Denard Span was hit by a pitch. Instead of getting to go to first base, the third base umpire called it a strike since he was trying to bunt. Gardenhire fumed and came out onto the field to scream at the umpire for quite awhile. He was ejected, and as he was finally leaving he drop-kicked his hat about 15 feet into the air and left it on the field. That was all the crowd needed to go crazy and start throwing their own hats onto the field. After a few minutes of that, with some baseballs being thrown onto the field, Ozzie Guillen pulled the White Sox off the field in the middle of the inning. We got the same repeated warnings saying that if people didn't stop, the Twins would have to forfeit the game. Things finally calmed down and the Twins went on to win the game.

DotD: Portable solar power pack for your cell phone, digital camera, or iPod for $17.99. Pretty geeky and cheap at the same time.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mobile Blogging

My how adventurous I've become. I am writing a post on my phone for the first time. And of course, in geeky fashion, I am doing it not because I have to, but because I can. I am sitting in front of my computer and typing on my new iPhone.

The yet-to-be-renamed Ms. Fiancé is going to be interviewed tomorrow by ABC about one of her patients. She's a pretty big deal. :-)

As for me, going to Viking's training camp was great. I'm always excited for football season. I just bought tickets for the Stielers preseason game at the dome. The inlaws are Stielers fans and are coming up for the game. My parental units are also coming with to help me cheer for the Vikes.

I finished the summer softball season with the highest on-base percentage on the team. Not a bad change from last year, when I was near the bottom. I'm getting luckier with age.

Deal of the day: Vikings training camp in Mankato. Free to get in, you just have to pay $5 to park all day if you park at the stadium.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Removing Viruses, Trojans, and Spyware!

A late night post from the Mac Man while I attempt to remove internet viruses, trojans, and spyware from a friend's computer. It's loaded. You boot up the machine and you instantly start getting flooded with pop-ups, fake security warnings, etc. Reminds my of one more reason I really enjoy my Macs.

The wife and I got a bunch of pictures and wall-hanging-things hung up Sunday night. Those are the kinds of things that I just don't think about, but they add a little character to the otherwise empty walls. 

My volleyball team won 2 of 3 games tonight, which was a nice change of pace from the previous few weeks. We started off undefeated for a couple of weeks, and then it went downhill fast, to the point that we didn't win a game for a few weeks. The ref has some sort of family emergency, so he left right before we were about to start. The people we played were good sports, however, and we were all pretty easy-going on calls.

The new iPhone was announced yesterday, as expected, and I'm super pumped. My contract with Verizon has been up since April and I've been waiting for the new iPhone to be announced to switch. The new version has faster internet (3G), GPS, and longer battery life, among other things. It costs a lot less up front than the old iPhone, but the data plan now costs more so over the span of a 2 year contract it really ends up costing the same. The math still works out in favor of it over my Treo, however, since Verizon's data plans are more expensive and a new Treo wouldn't be that much cheaper up front than the new iPhone. The release date of July 11th can't come soon enough, although I'm going camping that weekend and will not be near a store for the launch.

DotD: Musical pillow for $1.19. Just plug in your MP3 player and fall asleep to Kutlass.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What's new in your world?

February, huh? Yeah, it's been a little while. And even that was sort of cheating. December before that. Wowsers!

Life has been a little bit busy lately, and I haven't really been sitting around at the computer blogging, reading blogs, or hanging around facebook. Sorry if you all feel neglected, it was not my intent. 

The big news since the last post is that I am a freshly-minted husband. I have the jewelry to prove it. Married life has been great so far. I'm no longer the only person who feeds and walks the dog (Mac), the cooking has more variety, and most importantly of all, I now have half the closet and dresser space I used to have. It's my way of working on the simple life. ;-)

The other cool thing that I did recently was play 7 games of softball in 2 days. I played in a church league tournament this past Saturday, and we ended up playing 5 games that day: 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm. Whew! Then I had my normal double-header on Sunday  night as well. It was a ton of fun, but I got some nice sunburn on my face, neck, and arms. Oh, and my legs were just a tad sore...

I hope to be a little more regular in posting again, but don't get your hopes up yet Dan on a daily schedule. Baby steps.

DotD: Free MacBook Pro battery. Okay, so it's not for everyone, but my laptop has been acting strangely when running off of the battery recently. It would be fully charged and then after about 20 minutes on the battery, it would just shut off with no warning. It's only about 1.5 years old, and I don't use it every day or anything, so the battery should be just fine. I took it into the Apple Store today, they confirmed that the battery was defective, and gave me a brand new battery right on the spot for free. They never even asked me for paperwork or anything, other than to sign the form saying they performed the work and I owed nothing. Sweet!

Friday, February 22, 2008

A post to post for lack of posts

So yeah, life has been a bit busy recently. But you already knew that since it's been two months since my last post. Sorry, this one probably won't fill that void in your life, since I need to get to work, but I did want you all to know that I am still alive and kicking. And being kicked. By kickers.

I did, however, finally watch Transformers and Live Free or Die Hard. Very good flicks! I also recently watched the movie Joshua, but as usual, the book was way better than the movie. 

That's all for now!