Thursday, July 5, 2007

Fireworks vs Cars, Round 1

The first round of the battle pitting fireworks against cars to capture our hearts, imaginations, and interest is over. The results are a bit mixed, so let's take a look at the fight so far...

Pre-fight warm-up

While making a late-night run to Blockbuster on Tuesday to rent Along Came A Spider due to the DVR cutting off the last 20 minutes when something ahead of the movie ran over its alloted time, we were suprised to see big fireworks going off in Anoka (this was July 3rd, after all). We happened to have Charlie (my cat) with us at the time, since he loves car rides. We pulled into a park, got out of the car (bringing Charlie with us), and watched the fireworks for about 25 minutes.

Ding! Round 1 begins

I held Charlie in my lap as we watched the fireworks, but he could care less. Instead, he kept turning his head to watch the cars go by on the street next to us.

1 Point: Cars

Last night, some friends and I (including Cooper) went to see the Roseville 4th of July fireworks. Tom's 1 year-old, Kira, was with us. She was a bit afraid of the fireworks, but stared intently at them the whole time, ignoring the passing cars that kept driving by.

1 Point: Fireworks

Before the Roseville fireworks began, a little boy near where we sat yelled out, "Look, a Corvette!" It was a Pontiac. And besides, the fireworks hadn't even started yet.

No points awarded

Ding! End of Round 1

Like I said, the results are mixed. It's a close one, certainly too close to call right now, as we're all tied up 1-1. Keep tuning in for your up-to-the-minute Fireworks vs Cars coverage!

All in all, a pretty good 4th of July. I had the day off from work, we played some games and pool at the Marlin's while grilling, and I got to see two different fireworks displays, even if one was by accident.

The bad news is that the next holiday I get off work for without using vacation is Labor Day.

DotD: iPod Shuffle - $29 - A refurbished original white 512 MB iPod Shuffle that is the size of a small pack of gum. It cost $99 when it came out, and is a great cheap small iPod. I got one for this price about 6 months ago, and it's been great for those times when I don't want to carry around my regular full-size iPod (because of size, weight, or fear of it breaking). Also available, the newer clip-shaped 1 GB refurbished iPod Shuffle for $49. Smaller, twice the storage space, and a convenient clip instead of a lanyard for a little bit more than the other model.


Joel said...

I vote cars. Does that count?

Mac Man said...

That depends... Are you affiliated with Pixar or Disney in any way? That would be an automatic disqualification.

Janet said...

I vote for Legos.

Mac Man said...

And a collective "huh?" from everyone in the room except Janet and her faithful blog readers. You DO read her blog, right? Right? ;-)

Janet said...

Haha. Thanks, Tim :)

Joel said...

I've been waiting for "Fireworks vs Cars, Round 2," even though sequels are usually not as good as the original. Just get the same cast and crew back and I'm sure you'll do fine.