Monday, July 23, 2007

We talked about what you talked your talk

TEC 68 has come and gone, and my sleeping patterns have not righted themselves yet. It was a great weekend, though draining and frustrating at times. It's so easy to slip back into that atmosphere of love and fun, and just want to remain suspended in it.

I was an ATL this time around, and my table was challenging at times. It was a much different experience than my last go-round as an ATL. There were times when we had some really deep stuff come out from half the table all at once, and other times when it felt like we were getting nowhere. By the time we got to closing, I was blown away by the changes I saw and the comments from the candidates. Truly God was working through the team this weekend to reach these candidates!

Yes, the title of this post was an actual comment made by someone while sharing after a talk. Yes, it was an ATL. Yes, it was me. I got part way through the sentence (right where the elipsis is), and decided I might as well go all out and add the last one for good measure.

The talent share was good times as well. My table was the very first act, and we did a short little skit. Since the Anderson's were pretty much having a family reunion, we did a skit together (which I titled Anderson* on the sign-up sheet, since Ms. Fiance was involved). Chicken Farming at its best! Kelly and Ms. Fiance made excellent chickens, and my Dad made an excellent chicken farmer. Me, I just played narrator/chicken seller.

It was cool to see a lot of my peeps there this weekend, but sad to know that a bunch of them were there for the last time AS YOUTH. Emphasis on the youth part, because working as an adult is pretty much wonderful as well. You just have to have a little bit of patience.

DotD: TEC - $35 for candidates, $40 for team - May be the best $35 or $40 you've ever spent.


Janet said...

"$35 for candidates, $40 for team - May be the best $35 or $40 you've ever spent."

I say definitely the best money ever spent :)

Joel said...

Glad you had a good weekend. Do you know if you or anyone else is applying to the next TEC?

Mac Man said...

Yes, I'm absolutely certain SOMEONE will be applying for the next TEC! ;-)

I just looked at the dates, and I don't see any conflicts right now for any of the meetings, the weekend itself, or the reunion. That usually means I'll be applying. ;-)

It is in Stewartville, though, so it'll be one of them there long hauls. I'm guessing almost 2.5 hours each way, so hopefully some car-pooling action would be possible if I got a spot on team.

If not, I could always fake a candidate application. You know THAT wouldn't get turned down.. ;-)

Oh dear, I haven't even been to the reunion for TEC 68 and you've already got me thinking about TEC 69!

Joel said...

Hehe, well you know, I'm mean like that. Besides, I'm determined to work a TEC with you sometime before I die. :) It's gotta happen sooner or later. :)

Mac Man said...

So if we never work a TEC together, does that mean you will be immortal? Are you sure you want to work one with me? ;-)

Janet said...

Sweet, I'm applying too!

What teams are you applying for?

Mac Man said...

Overall Rector, overall Rectora, and Candidate, in that order...

Or, perhaps: Wheat, Support, Kitchen (need a break from ATL after this last one. Woofta!)

Mac Man said...

All signed up now. Is it too early to find out yet if I made it? ;-)

Joel said...

My application is in as well - Support, Wheat, Kitchen. ATL is light years away from me. :)

A. Bauer said...

My mom and I both applied....both for Wheat as our first....

The Giesenator said...

I cannot apply.. I think i broke an age barrier or something