Thursday, September 6, 2007

What have I done?

Well, that'll teach me to try to get people involved...

I just got a sad email about the next TEC. I'm on the waiting list. This, of course, comes after convincing some other adults to apply to work. And then they take my spot! Sheesh!

And then Cooper has to rub in the fact that Baron is overall Rector (read the candidates a bed time story!). Stop with the heaping coals already!

Okay, so I'm not exactly down in the dumps here. I just need to ham it up a little to get some attention, since you guys and gals have left my comment section dry recently (yep, and my posting has been too, I know). So I'm trying for a virtual hug here, and pity seemed like the best tool.

I am excited about those that get to work. It'll be a blast. And hey, if a couple adults have some unfortunate run-ins with Tonya Harding, well, it wasn't me. Mostly. ;-)


A. Bauer said...

Yet another great story that you can put in your book (which would make fantastic Wheat for a couple of memebers of leadership [i.e. Bauer and Lecy], I might add).

I really wish you could be in the CR with me, but team is the way it is for a reason (and God-o was his name-o). I'm excited to finally get to work with Cooper, too, I suppose.

A. Bauer said...

Plus, I'm giving you a special place on team. It's called "Use Power of Persuasion to Get Tons of Candidates Rector." Yes, I did just offer you leadership....

Mac Man said...

Neato, that's 2 TEC's in a row that leadership has offered me a leadership position (or more correctly, I offered myself a leadership position).

First, I was *this* close to becoming the 3rd AC last time around (my definition of "this" might be different than yours). Now, I have a chance to become the first "Use Power of Persuasion to Get Tons of Candidates Rector".

Of course, finding candidates up here for a weekend in Stewartville is a bit difficult. Even for the bedtime stories master.

Joel said...

You certainly should be extremely excited to work with Cooper. Who else is cooler than he is?

(Besides, you know, everyone.)

Mac Man said...

Everyone except Pippin.

Joel said...

And Katie.

You know, cause she's hot.

A. Bauer said...

Speaking of which....Carrie Underwood was on a rerun episode of SNL tonight. Anybody else not care that she sings as long as she simply exists?

Janet said...

I heard you're on team now. Nice job there, buddy... Can we say... Return of Sister Act with the ATLs? Yeah, I think so ;)