Monday, August 27, 2007

Used gallbladder for sale

Ms. Fiance just went into surgery a little bit ago to have her gallbladder removed. She had a lot of pain late last week, but because it got better after a few hours, she was able to wait to do the surgery today. I'm sitting in the lounge at the hospital right now, and expect that she will be all sewed up within the next hour. Please keep her in your prayers, that everything will go swimmingly well, both now and over the next couple of recovery days.

Because of the pending surgery, Ms. Fiance wasn't able to go on the camping trip this weekend that we had planned with some friends since early summer (more on that in another post). She was really bummed about missing out, so I brought camping to her last night. After getting home from the weekend camping trip, I immediately put the tent back up again, this time in my backyard (Ms. Fiance was waiting at my house after helping little sis move this weekend). I surprised her with a little camping adventure, including the tent, a small campfire, smores, and croquet.

It was all well and good until the storm went through last night. Wow! Ms. Fiance abandoned her air mattress and blankets at 11:00 to retreat into my house because the wind was so violent that it was keeping her awake, and she wanted to be fully rested for surgery. I stayed in the test, bunkered down with my air mattress and sleeping bag. 

Around 1:00 am, it started to sprinkle. I woke up to the rain, closed all of the windows and doors in the tent, and tried to go back to sleep. Then the rain changed from a sprinkle to a wicked downpour. It was pretty loud in the tent, and the wind was still whipping the tent around. And then the lightning and thunder started. Lights were flashing everywhere and constantly for about an hour, with incredible booms and rolls of thunder. I also started hearing louder plops on the roof of the tent that I assume was small hail mixed with the rain. At this point, I was pretty much stuck where I was, a bit afraid that I should not be outside in the storm, but also thinking it was not a good time to walk outside the tent. 

The storm finally finished passing through about 2:30 am, and I raced inside in case there was more to come. 

Ms. Fiance slept through the entire thing.

DotD: Gallbladder removal surgery - $15,000? - Insurance is a good thing...


Joel said...

I'm sure someone on eBay would bid on it. :)

What a good fiance. My wife would hurt me if I told her we were going to camp in the back yard. :)

j said...

How did everything turn out?

I'll see you tomorrow:)

Mac Man said...

Ms. Fiance is doing better and better each day. She should be back to work on Tuesday.

Wednesday was really weird... ;-)