The wife and I got a bunch of pictures and wall-hanging-things hung up Sunday night. Those are the kinds of things that I just don't think about, but they add a little character to the otherwise empty walls.
My volleyball team won 2 of 3 games tonight, which was a nice change of pace from the previous few weeks. We started off undefeated for a couple of weeks, and then it went downhill fast, to the point that we didn't win a game for a few weeks. The ref has some sort of family emergency, so he left right before we were about to start. The people we played were good sports, however, and we were all pretty easy-going on calls.
The new iPhone was announced yesterday, as expected, and I'm super pumped. My contract with Verizon has been up since April and I've been waiting for the new iPhone to be announced to switch. The new version has faster internet (3G), GPS, and longer battery life, among other things. It costs a lot less up front than the old iPhone, but the data plan now costs more so over the span of a 2 year contract it really ends up costing the same. The math still works out in favor of it over my Treo, however, since Verizon's data plans are more expensive and a new Treo wouldn't be that much cheaper up front than the new iPhone. The release date of July 11th can't come soon enough, although I'm going camping that weekend and will not be near a store for the launch.
DotD: Musical pillow for $1.19. Just plug in your MP3 player and fall asleep to Kutlass.
I'm glad I managed to (mostly) get myself out of the fixing computers "business".
Have you researched AT&T Mobile? I know your pumped about the iPhone, but I haven't heard many good things about AT&T's cell phone services. Admittedly I haven't checked into it myself though....
This is the part of the show that I make fun of Tim for misspelling "Kutless."
Forgive me. I have the unfortunate problem of liking Kutless and owning an Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera. One is spelled with an "e", and one is spelled with an "a". I will no longer have this problem when I upgrade to a De Lorean.
I love those - gull wing doors rule. I hear you can find them fairly cheap sometimes if you keep your eyes open...
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