Thursday, August 9, 2007

High Society

It's time for me to hang up my blogging cleats.

Oh sure, I've had a good run these past couple of months. Okay, actually I've bored you to tears in the process, but that's not why I'm moving on. Blogging just doesn't fit into my new lifestyle. You know, the rich and famous.

In a short period of time, my place in society has risen from the dung heap to my rightful place among the stars. I am speaking, of course, about being invited over to Bob's house for a cookout. That's right, not begging to be invited, not sleeping on the doorstep hoping to be invited in, but actual "won't you please come over" invited.

My hubris has attained new heights!

Ms. Fiance, Little sis, and I joined the famous Bob for some delicious grilled meat, fresh fruit, and skinny cows. Bob was good and didn't eat the skinny cows, but I have no such control. It was a ton of fun, reliving our memories from TEC 68 and just chatting into the night. I also found out important information such as the number of M&M's consumed by Bob during the last TEC. I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. Or at least tickle you.

Bob and I even managed to talk computer geekiness for about ten minutes before Ms. Fiance and Little sis started to poke themselves in the eyeballs and bang their heads on the table in boredom and disgust.

All in all, a great relaxing and fun evening.

A word to the wise: If you ever find yourself in high society as I did, don't use the front door. It's forbidden. Those who wish to not perish by Chinese water torture should use the side door instead. I was the only person to make this grievous mistake last night.

Oh, and I was kidding about the end of the blog thing. I'll keep blogging. But I'm not the one that's going to suffer!

DotD: An empty gas tank for the grill - $19.99 - Someone went to the gas station to get a new tank of gas, since hers was empty. The station attendant was busy with customers, so he told her to take whichever one she wanted. She picked one out and brought it home to use at a particularly high-society cookout. Mac Man saved the day by both pointing out that the new tank was awfully light, and by driving back to the gas station to retrive a full tank. Understanding that this could be quite embarrasing if anyone ever found out, he has chosen not to divulge the name of the individual who made this hilarious mistake. ;-)


Joel said...

Ah, where's my ticket out of the dung heap?

Maybe I should meet Bob first. That might help.

Janet said...

I'm glad you're going to keep blogging. I was almost in tears at the start of your blog. Almost.

Gina Cooper said...

I'm glad you're going to keep blogging too - you are really funny! (actually funny, not funny looking like Joel)

A. Bauer said...

Pretty sure me stopping at a green light on the way to Council tonight is completely wiped off the slate please include the gas tank story in your BOOK OF BEDTIME STORIES somehow....

j said...

You can't quit blogging. I just started reading!

Joel - I've heard of this strange "Cooper" fellow. maybe one day we can meet.

Joel said...

Ah, then all of the pieces of my life would be coming together. :)

Well, there is always hope. Working one TEC as an adult is simply not enough to meet all these fun people.

Mac Man said...

Fun? Who said anything about fun? ;-)

j said...

He obviously wasn't at the last weekend.