Friday, June 22, 2007


So, here we go. Mac Man is starting a blog. He's been harassed, prodded, begged, and then ignored. Plus, I post enough in Cooper's blog to fill my own blog anyway. And the timing is perfect, since Mr. Baron is out of town. So here, you go, Mac Man unleashed, uncensored, and uncannily funny! Okay, maybe uncensored is taking it a little to far, I do have my standards you know.

So, yesterday was a big day. Why, you ask? A couple reasons:

1. First day of summer
2. 15.5 hours of sunlight (if the clouds weren't in the way)
3. 3 months since I got engaged
4. 1 month since Cooper's birthday
5. Softball game
6. 8 days until the iPhone is released
7. The last day without a blog (Baron will be so happy!)

See, we both survived my first post together! Cue the sappy music and start the hugs!

DotD (Deal of the Day): Plush Elephant LCD TV - $109.99 - It's a toy, it's an elephant, it's aTV, and it's just plain cool!


Joel said...

Yehaw! And I get to be the first one to comment on this wonderful new blogalicious establishment. And I feel so unworthy of making your list of reasons why yesterday was a big day. :)

Elephant TV. Ah, what will they think of next?

Mac Man said...

And I get to be the first one to comment on your comment on my post. Whew!

Did you notice that the picture on the Elephant TV was an elephant? Wow, that's crazy! That's like looking in the mirror and seeing yourself! ;-)

And you know you want the elephant. Deep down, we all do.

A. Bauer said...

1) I was actually home when you posted this (I was back Thursday night).

2) I'm very proud of you. Now just keep posting!

3) I'm very honored to have my own tag. Excuse me while I go cry tears of joy....

Janet said...

Welcome to the blogging world :)